Apple Tree’s HR Transformation Journey with Keka

Apple Tree manufactures and provides services for high-rise buildings. They employ blue-collar workers to maintain these buildings alongside their core business. Vir, a director at Apple Tree, sought digitalization solutions and selected Keka, a two-year-old HR Tech software company, after evaluating different options. This case study examines the advantages Apple Tree has gained from implementing Keka and its positive impact on its operations.

Vir Malhotra


The reports in Keka are impressive and reflect the thoughtfulness put into the software. Reports compile and present data in an easily understandable format, providing a clear view of our company's direction and progress.

The big impact

  • Simplified and Intuitive User Experience 
  • Animation: Syncing attendance from multiple Locations  
  • Integrating Attendance and Payroll saved us Time, Money & Energy 
  • Simplified login Process and access to all documents, anywhere anytime. 




Gurgaon, India



Whose idea was it to automate HR?

Initiative taken by Vir Malhotra, Director of People Tree

Time taken for decision

20 days

What do you do now with the saved time?

We will focus more on employee engagement and strategic decision-making.

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